Mental Health

Managing Mental Health

AHMG's Mental Health practice focuses on assisting existing organizations, with growth initiatives and expansion. Once the grant programs or other governmental program revenue dries up, AHMG brings unique and innovative revenue and growth solutions to their clients.

AHMG brings new revenue solutions to existing organizations through innovations, partnerships and joint ventures.

Some of Our Accomplishments


Assisted Not for Profit in revenue expansion totaling $5 million annually
Assisted Not For Profit in developing new product line, new annual revenue of $4.5 million


Assisted Not for Profit in Joint Venture relationship, expanding locations and revenue by $2 million

AHMG’s Mental Health Division has provided services in the following states

How We Work

Full-Service Management

AHMG prides itself in the ability to create, develop and implement successful programs from complete program design to full-service management.

Leading The Way

AHMG is a leading provider of specialized Mental Health and Behavioral consulting that focuses on change management and rapid turnaround services.

Get in Touch

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